I'm passionate about security, data privacy, generative AI and decentralization.

Recent Projects

Portrait AI

Digital Persona - An AI assistant trained on your personal data, that emulates how you look, sound and speak.

Personal Server

Personal Server - Self-hosted LLM with an OpenAI compatible API that understands your personal data.

Portrait AI

Vana API - A secure personalized AI and data portability API, protected by OAuth 2.0.

Portrait AI

Portrait AI - A generative AI art studio that uses Stable Diffusion to generate self-portraits in infinite styles.

User Data Extractor

User Data Extractor - A browser-based package for transforming raw GDPR data exports into a queryable SQLite database.


Vana Vault - A portable data wallet that securely stores your private data using patented browser-based encryption techniques.

Technologies and Interests

  • Typescript

  • React, NextJS

  • Python

  • Java

  • AWS, GCP, Azure

  • DevOps

  • Postgres, DynamoDB

  • Docker

  • Generative AI

  • Security, Authentication

  • Decentralization

  • Data Ownership

  • Typescript
  • React, NextJS
  • Python
  • Java
  • AWS, GCP, Azure
  • DevOps
  • Postgres, DynamoDB
  • Docker
  • Generative AI
  • Security, Authentication
  • Decentralization
  • Data Ownership

Get in Touch

You can reach me through:

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